Thursday 19 December 2013


I wish you all a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year
Enjoy your well-derserved holidays!!
See you in 2014!!

This winner Christmas card was made by Eva Latorre, from 2º NI. Congratulations!!

Monday 16 December 2013

TOP GEAR - Race across London

Top Gear  is a very popular British TV show about cars and driving you can watch in English if you want to learn some vocabulary related to that. You can watch it even if you're not really keen on cars, it's fun!! It's been on for over 10 years

I've chosen a video about a race across London to find out which is the best form of transport to cross the city in the rush hour. If you're in the intermediate class, we've already done a reading and listening exercise about it. Now you can watch the real thing!

You can also browse its webpage to watch more videos and read some articles.